Awards to Recognize Excellence in Jewish Studies Scholarship

With thanks to our generous donors, we are pleased to offer the following awards to recognize excellence in Jewish studies scholarship at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

* Andy Bachman Award for Study and Research of Jews and Social Justice
Outstanding research or coursework on Jewish identity and its relationship to social justice

*Rachel Feldhay Brenner Award for Research and Study of the Holocaust
Research and study of the Holocaust

* George and Sylvia Laikin Prize
Academic excellence as demonstrated by an article, thesis, research paper, research project, or independent study, by a student with an ongoing interest in Jewish learning

* Ida and Isaac Lipton Major/Certificate Award
Outstanding achievement as a major or certificate in Jewish Studies (for graduating seniors)

* Lipton Essay Award
Outstanding paper of at least 10 pages on a Jewish Studies topic

* Menahem Mansoor Award for Excellence in Hebrew
Outstanding achievement in the Hebrew language

* Robert and Beverly Natelson Family Scholarship in Jewish Studies
Outstanding undergraduate or graduate work

* Marjorie and Harry Tobias Major/Certificate Award
Outstanding achievement as a major or certificate in Jewish Studies (for continuing students)

* Laurence and Frances Weinstein Undergraduate Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement in Hebrew
Outstanding achievement in the Hebrew language

For more information about the application process, please e-mail

Please note that receiving an award may affect your financial aid package. To learn more, contact the UW-Madison Office of Financial Aid at