Board of Visitors

The Mosse/Weinstein Center for Jewish Studies Board of Visitors is a distinguished group of UW–Madison alumni and friends who have agreed to serve in an advisory capacity to the Center to help us identify needs, make plans for the future, and develop fundraising strategies to enhance our endowment. They play a crucial role in the Center’s development, representing the Mosse/Weinstein Center for Jewish Studies and the University of Wisconsin to students, alumni, donors, and friends. They also support the advancement of the Center by facilitating fundraising, public outreach, and intellectual enrichment. Terms of service are for three years, with the exception of lifetime members.

Board Members

Cheryl Temkin (chair)

Josh Goldstein

Gabe Goodman

James Hilb

Warren Kozak

Kenneth Latimer

Bill Narens

Richard Roberts

Jacquelynn Rothstein

Ben Sidran

Judy Sidran

Michael Stern

Julie Weil

Peter Weil

Frances Weinstein (emeritus member)

Kenneth Wiseman