25 faculty in 10 affiliated departments: History |Political Science |Religious Studies |German-Nordic-Slavic Studies | Philosophy | Music |Art | Sociology |English |Classical Ancient Near Eastern Studies
7 endowed professorships: Frances and Laurence Weinstein Chair in Modern European History and Jewish Studies |Max and Frieda Weinstein-Bascom Professor in Jewish Studies | George L. Mosse Professor of American Jewish History |Lipton Professor of Eastern European Jewish Literature and Thought |Belzer Professor of Classical Judaism |Harvey M. Meyerhoff Professor of Israel Studies | Harvey L. Temkin and Barbara Myers Temkin Professor in Hebrew Language and Literature
5 distinguished lecture series: Stanley I. Kutler Lectures in American Jewish History | Weinstein-Minkoff in Israel Studies | Tobias Lecture in Jewish Studies |Paul J. Schrag Lecture (with History) | Phyllis W. and Rabbi Barry D. Cytron Lecture Series in Jewish Studies
3 premiere public programs: Greenfield Summer Institute| Conney Project on Jewish Arts| Mayrent Institute for Yiddish Culture
6 scholarships and fellowships to recognize outstanding student achievement: Andy Bachman Support Fund for Jews and Social Justice | Ida and Isaac Lipton Major/Certificate Award | Menachem Mansoor Award for Excellence in Hebrew |Robert and Beverly Natelson Family Scholarship in Jewish Studies | Marjorie and Harry Tobias Major/Certificate Award |Laurence A. Weinstein Distinguished Graduate Fellowship in Education and Jewish Studies
9 awards to support student research and study abroad: Robert and Lynn Berman Scholarship | Kaplan Graduate Research Award in Jewish Civilization |George and Sylvia Laikin Prize | Ida and Isaac Lipton Study Abroad Scholarship | Ida and Isaac Lipton Scholarship for Domestic Study |Charles and Gayle Mazursky Student Support Fund | Richard D. Sincere and Debra L. Sincere Israel Studies Scholarship | David Sorkin Graduate Student Support Fund | Weinstein-Minkoff Junior Year in Israel Scholarship