
The Undergraduate Journal of Jewish Studies at the UW-Madison

Volume IV Published

The editorial board of Avukah: The Undergraduate Journal of Jewish Studies is proud to announce that Volume IV is now available! A few years ago, Avukah was only an idea. As of today, dedicated students in Jewish Studies have collaborated in the publication of four issues and a podcast, featuring a large variety of works.


In 2018 Jewish Studies students at the UW–Madison published the first issue of Avukah, an academic journal written, edited, and designed entirely by undergraduates. Dedicated to illuminating the rich diversity of Jewish life, Avukah is published annually.

“Avukah” is the Hebrew word for “torch.” We find this term fitting, given our journal’s mission: to bring light to those topics—historical, religious, political, social, or cultural—related to Judaism, Jews, and Jewishness.

Lexi Siegel

Editorial Board:
Caroline Kay
Demi Batten
Sara Kleinman

Read Avukah Online:

Volume I (Spring 2018)       

Volume II (Spring 2019) 

Volume III (Spring 2020)

Volume IV (Spring 2021)

Avukah Podcast

After receiving an overwhelming number of submissions on topics related to the Holocaust for Avukah’s Volume II publication, the editorial board saw it fit to devote a podcast series to the importance of Holocaust education and remembrance. Our podcast team interviewed eight exceptional undergraduate and graduate students on campus with a unique understanding of the importance of making sure that the Holocaust is not relegated to a footnote in history. Their testimonies are informed by their unique life experiences, travels, families, and personal connections to the Holocaust. With each episode, we hope that listeners learn more about this topic, take action to ensure that the Holocaust is never forgotten, and are moved to combat modern-day hatred and bigotry.

To listen, click here.